King of Leisure | The Best Camp Shoes for Indoor & Outdoor Use

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Too early to be a start-up? Denied a seat at the Denver Start-up Week "table".

Someone explained to me last week that I was “too early to be featured as a start-up” …and it resonated with me!  I’m baffled because it doesn’t make much sense.  As of today, it’s been a solid year since KoL was conceived.  To give the above comment context, I applied to feature King of Leisure at the “Physical Product Showcase” during the upcoming 2019 Denver Start-up Week.  After hearing the feedback, the call continued, but I disconnected (mentally) and thought about my journey thus far…Prototyping shoes from my seat in Colorado has been cumbersome, however, I feel I can speak to how I overcame challenges and have linked together a series of small wins -that is worth sharing to a larger population of wantrepreneurs. As well as express the notion of how accountability partners motivate and inspire me.  The network and team you put together during the start-up “process” is almost as critical as the product itself.  King of Leisure is a long-term play and you have to start somewhere. So, see you next year Denver Start-up week.  My advice to anyone else with an idea – continue to refine it and “eye on the process” because that’s the story that will evolve into product execution and success.  Keep on Truckin’.