King of Leisure | The Best Camp Shoes for Indoor & Outdoor Use

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Prototyping Process - What Goes Into A New Footwear Brand.

While KoL was incubating, I was tasked with reaching out to brands I admired and to seek advice and/or interview individuals within those companies. Ultimately, I am blessed to be located at ground zero for outdoor apparel and despite reaching out to ten specific companies, two in particular, answered the call and offered advice. The first was Jay Getzel @ Mountainsmith.

I’ve owned Mountainsmith gear since for over 20 years. The Tour Classic.

Was my go to in college! It is a versatile pack that can be worn on the hips as well as over the shoulder. A timeless classic and that resonated with me when creating King of Leisure footwear.

Nonetheless, Jay answered my unsolicited request and provided a solid response to my Q&A - Most importantly he wrote, “Have Fun…work with people you like…if there’s an empty spot at a retail store and the product is apples to apples, retailers and customers will buy from people and brands they like…that are honest and do what they say they will. Under promise and over deliver.” The second was Len Zanni at Big Agnes.

Len took time out of his day at Steamboat HQ to talk outdoor product trends, lend advice and most importantly listen to my story. He gave me the “nickel tour” of HQ and also echoed Jay’s advice to have fun.